3 Signs That It's Time To Have Your Garage Door Repaired

Posted on: 16 November 2018

If you're like most homeowners, you likely don't think about your garage door often. But the condition and performance of your garage door is important because a failure could result in serious injuries – or at the very least a less secure home overall. Here are a few signs to that could mean the need for garage door repair.

1. You Can't Stop the Strange Noises

While it's normal for a garage door to make a little noise when it gets opened or closed, the noises shouldn't get worse or louder as time goes on. A little squeak here and there or a humming sound coming from the automatic door opener isn't typically anything to worry about.

But if you notice that the door keeps squeaking a little louder or you start to hear cracks, rattles, or springy sounds that weren't noticeable before, it could mean that your garage door is breaking down and needs to be serviced if not repaired altogether. Some parts may need to be replaced, or a simple tune-up might be enough to get rid of the noises – however, you won't know for sure until you schedule an appointment with your service provider.

2. It's Getting Harder to Manually Move the Door

Another sign that your garage door might need to be repaired is that it's getting harder to open and close the door as time goes on. When the garage door was new, you could probably open and close it with ease.

With age, the door might require a little more pressure when pulling up or down on it. But if you find that you're exerting yourself while trying to open or close the garage door, it's a good idea to schedule an inspection and repair appointment with your service provider. Even if your garage door isn't actually broken, your service provider should be able to tune it up, so it isn't so hard to open and close anymore.

3. The Hardware Is Starting to Rust and Get Loose

If you notice that the hardware on your garage door is starting to rust or get loose, it's time to call in a professional to replace it. If the handles on the door aren't fully secure, they could break off while opening or closing the door and injure someone or something in the vicinity. And the same thing is true if the hardware is rusting. So don't live with old hardware. As soon as it starts to break down and show signs of age, you should have your service provider replace it.
