
  • Clues That Tell You It Is Time To Hire Someone To Fix Your Garage Door

    It is vital that you are becoming more aware of the clues that your garage door give you when it is time to have a professional come in to repair it. This way, you will no longer have to worry as much about finding that your vehicle is now locked in the garage because you can no longer get the door to open properly. If you should happen to notice that you are dealing with any of the following signs of trouble, you will want to contact a garage door technician right away. [Read More]

  • Signs It's Time To Replace Your Garage Door

    Before you call your garage door repair team again, you might want to consider these signs that it's time to replace your garage door. It Keeps Breaking Down A single malfunction isn't such a big deal with garage doors. The door has a lot of moving parts, and you can expect for one of them to break every now and again. But if your repairs have added up to roughly 50% of the garage door's value, then you're probably spending too much. [Read More]

  • The Truth Behind These 2 Garage Door Myths

    While garage doors require very little attention aside from some annual maintenance, there are misconceptions about garage doors for painting and insulation. Here is the truth behind two garage door myths. Myth 1: Garage Doors Don't Need Insulation It's common for garages to not have heating and cooling in them, so they are typically colder or hotter than your house in the winter and summer respectively. Since they are not the same temperature, many homeowners make the mistake of assuming that a garage door doesn't need insulation. [Read More]

  • 5 Things To Consider About Upgrading A Manual Garage Door

    If you're moving into a house that has a garage with a manual door, you may be considering an upgrade to add an automatic opener. While an upgrade will definitely add some value to your home, there are some factors to consider if you're deciding if it's time to make the upgrade or not. The Weather The nice thing about an automatic opener is that you never need to get out of the car to open it. [Read More]

  • Preventing Theft With A Garage Door

    Your garage is a potential jackpot for a burglar, since you use it to store things ranging from your car to power tools. That's why you must pay extra attention to the security of your garage and the main entry point, the garage door. It's a potential security vulnerability, though it's possible to make a garage more safe by following some helpful tips. Secure The Remote Opener You may not realize it, but the easiest way for a thief to get into your garage is with the remote. [Read More]

  • 2 Ways To Keep Your Automatic Garage Door Working Right

    Access to an automatic garage door allows you to enter and exit your enclosed garage without leaving the comfort of your vehicle. While automatic garage doors can be a valuable asset to any homeowner, these doors can also be a hazard if they are not properly maintained. Here are two things that you can be doing to ensure your automatic garage door continues to function properly and remains in good repair. [Read More]

  • 3 Step Guide Finding The Problem When Your Garage Door Does Not Open

    When coming home from work one evening, you may have discovered that your garage door wouldn't open. If so, use the three steps below to try to find out what is causing the problem: the door, the switch, or the garage door opener itself. Step 1:  Check The Garage Door Before you turn your attention to the garage door opener and its components, the first thing you should do is check the garage door to see if the trouble is being caused by blocked or bent tracks. [Read More]

  • Young Children And Garage Door Openers: 3 Tips For Keeping Your Little One Safe

    Modern technological advances have made lives easier than ever before. However, new technology also poses new hazards to young children that you may or may not be aware of. Take your garage door opener, for instance. Did you know that multiple children are severely injured, even killed, in garage door accidents each year? Most of the injuries are crush injuries that occur when the door comes down on the child, exerting up to 130 pounds of pressure. [Read More]

  • How to Maintain Your Automated Home-Security Gate

    An automated home-security gate can be a great addition to your compound, as it can boost your home safety while making for an elegant main entrance to your residence. Many homeowners opt for automated gates because they are generally reliable and easy to operate. However, proper care is required to keep the gate working reliably. Failure to care for your security gate could lead to premature malfunctions of the moving parts or electric circuit boards, necessitating costly repairs. [Read More]